08 June 2007

Medical Tests


One Monday morning at 7am I will go to get my medical tests in order to be able to work at the Baby Hospital. These tests are pretty important so I would really appreciate your prayers that everything would go smoothly. I'm not really a fan of doctors but ever since I found out I'd have to do this I've had peace that it will be ok. I know it will but I don't want to find out there is something preventing me from doing what I'm supposed to do. Thanks for your prayers!


Linda King said...

Praying that your tests will go smoothly on Monday Heather. So glad to hear you are there! Praying also that God is continuing to go before you in all details. I pray the LORD will blow you away with His love this summer.

di said...

Hi Heather! This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it! Praising Him for all He has done and is doing in and thru you in ROMANIA! Glad you've arrived and are having a beautiful time. Will be praying for smooth testing and knowing all will be well. Be blessed and know you're a blessing! 2 Cor 1:3-4